Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is purchasing, reconfiguring, refurbishing, & repurposing a pipe organ for our worship space. This blog chronicles the journey of a "Green" Organ.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Update from Holtkamp and auction recap

Thank you to everyone who attended, donated to, bid and volunteered at our dinner and auction fundraiser! The food by Chef Leiton & company was fantastic, Paula Lammers and the other musicians performed beautifully, and Pastors Chris Smith and Randy Brandt were hilarious and effective auctioneers.

A more complete recap as well as pictures will be posted soon. In the meantime, here is the latest  update on our organ from Holtkamp Organ Company:

May 13, 2011

Dear Pastor Smith:

Our work progress at this point includes the following: the lumber and plywood for the organ case has been purchased and received. The casework has begun production. Twenty-five gallons of lacquer have been ordered and received - all of it will be used to seal wood components for your organ.

The new slider windchests are nearing completion. The off-set windchest work for the Swell, Choir, Pedal divisions is in production. Additionally, the organ blower is now being refurbished. The winding system components continue to be constructed - your pipe organ requires an extensive system of windlines that must be built and fit to exacting specifications.

The pipe racking for your organ continues to progress. The largest pipes of the 16' Bourdon rank have been racked on their newly-completed windchests. Racking of pipework in the Swell and Choir division continues to move along.

The organ console construction continues to progress. The keyboard wiring is nearing completion. The thumb pistons on the console are being installed. The pedalboard construction has been completed.

The pipe voicing work has been completed for the 16' Cromome, the 16' Bassoon, the 8' Trompette, the 8' Trumpet, the 8' English Horn, the 8' Tuba Harmonique, the 8' Rohrbourdon, the 8' Flauto Dolce, and the 2' Fifteenth. Pipe construction continues on the 8' Geigen Diapason, the 8' Viol Celeste, and the 8' Spitz Viol. Extensive rescaling work also continues to progress.

F. Christian Holtkamp, President

Monday, May 9, 2011

Organ Dinner & Auction registration deadline is today

We're super excited for our Dinner & Auction fundraiser THIS Saturday, May 14, and we hope you are too! The deadline to register is today, Monday, May 9.

To register online click here.
All the details are in this previous post: