Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Attn: Pastor Christopher Smith
12650 Johnny Cake Road
Apple Valley, MN 55 124
Dear Pastor Chris,
Please find enclosed invoice for our work to be done on your pipe organ. Our work progress at this point includes the following:
Our design engineer has worked closely with David Linner so that all pertinent installation details have been addressed, and design layout of all major organ components has been finalized.
The lead and tin for the new pipes and rescaling of existing pipes has arrived. I have to admit that I have never seen such beautiful tin. It is Bolivian, and has the trade name Mamore. You expect it to be a bright silver color. These ingots are silver with a slight sheen of pale gold. They are producing outstanding sheets of pipe metal. The first round of pipe metal casting should be completed by 16 February. All existing pipework to be used for the organ has been analyzed for modifications. All pipes have been cleaned and placed in shop storage trays and bins.
The stoppers for existing wood pipes have been releathered. Bellows releathering will be complete by the end of next week. ReIeathering of the existing windchests, which will be repurposed in your new organ, has begun.
For your new organ console, the bench has been constructed. Many console components, such as key contacts, piston contacts, and piston springs, are complete.
The two 16 stage Whiffle·tree expression motors for your organ have been constructed, assembled, and are complete. The wood for the Swell and Choir shades and expression frames is being milled out at this time.
Wood for numerous unit chests frames, topboards and bottom boards is in the rough milling process.
Very truly yours,
F. Christian Holtkamp
The Holtkamp Organ Company
WOW, this is so cool!