Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is purchasing, reconfiguring, refurbishing, & repurposing a pipe organ for our worship space. This blog chronicles the journey of a "Green" Organ.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Organ Preview Success!

Thank you to all who made the organ preview such a success. It was a great time listening to great music, a great instrument and learning about organs.

Thank you to John Ferguson, Professor of Organ at St. Olaf College, for showing us what this organ can do; to Christian Holtkamp, of Holtkamp Organ Company, for giving us a glimpse of what the organ will do; and to Pastor Chris Smith & Jim Odland for helping us to envision Shepherd of the Valley with a great Pipe Organ.

A special thanks to the SOTV Hospitality crew for the refreshments afterward and to the Macalester staff for their hospitality.


Enjoy a sampling of pictures from the event!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Organ Preview

Right now, I'm sitting inside the Janet Wallace Performing Arts Center listening to John Ferguson getting ready for the first organ preview. He's pictured below (forgive the poor quality!).

He has some great music planned and he is getting to know the instrument that we purchased for SOTV. I hear that the busload of people are on their way and I'm really excited!

See you soon!